пятница, 29 июля 2011 г.

Lady GaGa, and a Guest Judge on SYTYCD 07/27/2011 (PHOTOS + VIDEOS)

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Lady GaGa yesterday appeared as a guest juror in the American show So You Think You Can Dance. Lady GaGa among eight contestants at once find their favorites. For example, Melanie Moore said: " I bow before you my hat, " and sunadala your red, sailor hat.Then he continued: "Listen, you're my favorite of this competition and tomorrow he'll hire you on tour with me and you go around the world" . But then there was a very moving moment for LG. When performance is Marko Germar GaGa emotion crying and then said "I'm so proud. When I was younger I did a lot of things that were wrong and that I took back your dances and I felt everything . " At the end of the performance of Melanie and Sasha, however, there was even more moving moment and Gaga said: "The dance community is a habit that if everything goes well odtančíte, so take your shoes and throw them on stage. Everybody can go home, because this evening was a performance " . Here are some photos + videos:
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