четверг, 29 сентября 2011 г.

Lady GaGa's Singles Airplay charts on United! (UPDATE)

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I bring you the results of the current location of singles Lady Gaga in the Czech IFPI Airplay Chart. The best of us lead single, "The Edge Of Glory", which is 9.místě, but it's decline, because last week was # 7 Even more singles Lady Gaga, however, did not improve much. Latest "You And I" from 47.místa shifted only one place, and this week he is one of # 46 The chart also find an older hit, "Alejandro" on the # 76th As for the album Lady Gaga "Bor This Way", as it experienced a really hard fall. The total fell to 17th place bidding on 48.místo. Just out of curiosity album Tony Bennett "Duets II", which is contained in a duet with Lady Gaga with us this week ranked # 39th

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