среда, 11 января 2012 г.

Learn How to be Happy

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Feeling happy is the most important attribute that people look for during their lives. Some people never find happiness due to the fact that ‘happiness’ is an abstract notion that tells us little about where we can find it, how we can get to it or even how to keep it for as long as we live.
Here is a short lesson that wants to teach you how to be happy. If you learn how to be happy, you shall never feel fear, anxiety nor stress. It will also help you manage the negative feelings and states of mind all by yourself.

Here are 10 steps you need to understand and follow in order to learn how to be happy and feel brilliant!

how to be happy1. Don`t compare yourself to others

As you might have read in the article ‘2 Efficient Ways to Cope with Stress’, the main source of stress outbursts form the comparisons we make between our perosonal social status, the others` stats and the social norms that prevail in our community. The more we compare ourselfves in terms of appearance, wealth and so on, the more miserable we feel!
There is a simple and logical explanation why not to compare! Norms are of two types: some represent an average of the stats levels of the members of the same community/group and the other type does not reflect the majority of people`s social stats, but some unexisting ideal norms. No matter which kind of norms apply to your social group/community/circle, they will never perfectly match your specific and personal social status, hence they exclude you.
Then why compare to the others or to the social norm and feel miserable, when you can be happy by not doing so?

2. Place less importance on moneylearn how to be happy

Money has no value in itself! Money also comes and goes and the more you wish for money, the hard you will get it. When you don`t feel the need to have money so bad, you will get the money you need though! Money is not edible, it does not love you, it does not care. Hence, you should never ask for more and more money and you should be pleased with what you`ve got! This is another important step if you wish to learn how to be happy!
Money causes cognitive disonance for business men, and if you think they are really happy, guess again! Money breaks relationships and seeds evil.
From a personal perspective, money is the root of fear, hate and unfortunate.

be happy3. Keep your loved ones close to you

There is no substitute in this world for love, respect and the feeling of belonging. People need to feel accepted and appreciated. Who will value you more, if not the ones that understand you best?
Keep in touch with your family, friends and the persons that overall make you feel better! You never know when they can help you with a good advice or a better perspective regarding a problem you have encountered. Also, be there for them too! In order to get, you have to give first!

4. Don`t value life in terms of time, age and other conventional measurementsfeeling happy, being happy

Age ain`t nothing but a number! Time is highly subjective, but people along centuries have attempted to standardize things that didn`t feel the same for everybody. They weren`t evil intented, they simply tried to give a helping hand and to make people understand each other much better.
However, time, along with age, can be very stressful because we often say that we have no time/too much time for this or for that and that we are too old/young to do this and that. If you wish to know how to be happy, you need to take this into consideration!
We are never to old and we always have time! If not, ‘make room for more time’. Try to value time more and put less emphasis on your age! Don`t do things that are time consuming and that are not valuable and take your time with the really important ones. Don`t feel too young and too old, you have enough time for that too!

learn how to be happy5. Keep calm no matter what!

Keeping calm is a virtue and a very important ingredient to be happy. There is nothing you can solve without calmity! Try to remember a situation you have gone through when you kept calm and another one when you weren`t that calm. Which solved quicker and had less negative consequences?
There is this saying: ‘What comes around goes around’. This applies here too. The way we express what we feel travels to others and it makes them react accordingly. A negative manifestation of feelings trigger negative responses whereas a positive manifestation of one`s feelings trigger a positive response. That`s simple!

6. Be good with everything around youhow to be happy

Althoug it might sound phoney, all people are born good. What alters this feature is the personal and different life experience. Think of a one year-old! He seems pretty happy, doesn` he? This is one of the things you need to do to be happy!
Be good with people around you, don`t cause them suffering and pain if there are million ways you can avoid it! Be good to animals and plants and respect nature! Apart from feeling good about yourself, you will also feel appreciated and respected in return!
This is a very important aspect if you wish to learn how to be happy!

learn how to be happy7. Enjoy your meals, sleep and sex

There is another way of putting it: eat only when you feel hungry, sleep as long as you need to feel fully recharged with energy and take time to love the one that is there for you every minute! Food keeps us alive and feeds every part of our body. We need to respect our bodies and our meals, eat properly and never fill full when we finish eating. Don`t rush, take time, chew you food and pay attention to the feeling of happiness that food gives you.
Sleep as long as you need, there is no specific period we need to sleep so that we are alright. There is only one thing that we should take into consideration: the way we heel after waking up. You should feel happier and fresh!
Sexual intercourse is part of our lives and a really important one! After sex we feel happier because of all the hormones that our body secretes. Feel good when you make love, basically this is as important and refreshing as sleeping and eating.

8. Continuously search for new stufffeeling happy

There are millions of things that the world has to offer for us, all we need to do is to look for the ones that make us happy. Whether is soccer, a book or a singing band, there are still thousand of undiscovered stuff that can really pump the blood to the blood vessels and get the adrenaline going. Don`t sit and wait, search and enjoy if you wish to learn how to be happy!

how to be happy9. Keep clean

Don`t look for happiness far away from you! It doesn`t live in another town and it doesn`t speak another language! Happiness is where you are at! You should know that it struggles to keep up with you! Keeping yourself and the environment clean is one of the basic aspects of being happy. As well as we feel bad when we are really hungry, the same way we feel when we live in a not so tidy house.
Keep your body and your place clean, ventilate your rooms and let happiness enter inside.

10. Do whatever makes you happy!

learn how to be happy

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